
11 Reliable Ways To Generate Traffic To Your Site

If it is beyond the year 2009 and Pinterest you are reading this, forget traditional SEO. Make your peace, leave a rose or two, say a prayer – and move on. The rest of the world (wide web) has. Socialized, or Viral Marketing, as it is called, is now the new King. Instead of attempting Old-Method (or any) SEO, focus on viral marketing.

SEO news Do not copy the content from other sites. Use your own language and get unique content. Make it more refreshing and interesting to the visitors. This will help you to get more traffic and thus into Google Top 10.

Don’t forget to update content often. Search engine spiders return to your site whenever you post new content. This improves your visibility. Taking the time to create a content plan for your site will help you keep track of what kind of content you need and when you need it.

Speed of the site – When discussing SEO tips for small business, speed of the website needs special mention. Traffic towards your page is directly proportional to the speed. Faster the site loads, more traffic visits the page.

You need to repeat your Keywords in your headline and the first 150 words of content on your first page. Do not overdo this. Just keep it natural. Don’t go crazy trying to get 3.765 keyword density. But don’t neglect to get these keywords in. Make at least one instance of each keyword Bold and link to an appropriate inside page. Once again, use the city (s) here, too.

It’s funny, you might be thinking. You might be wondering, in our SEO strategies, how do you log what sort of traffic channels you are activating for those pages?

Most bloggers think that quality matters for higher ranking in search engine, due to this wrong thought they’re not focusing on quality content. Due to low quality content, their blog’s readers get irritated/upset.
