
Advanced Blogging – 5 Ideas On How To Be A Skilled Blogger

If it is beyond the year 2009 and you are reading this, forget traditional SEO. Make your peace, leave a rose or two, say a prayer – and move on. The rest of the world (wide web) has. Socialized, or Viral Marketing, as it is called, is now the new King. Instead of attempting Old-Method (or any) SEO, focus on viral marketing.

In the case of SEO tips you must ensure that the text that is contained in the title text of the page is also within the body of the page. You will not get effective results if you do not use the keywords that are present in the title text in the body of the page. It is wise to use your keywords throughout the page and balance their usage accordingly. A good place to use them is once or twice in the body at the top of your article and also in the sub headings.

Always add fresh content to your website. Static content is the death of any website. Search engine robots, not to mention human readers, love fresh content on a website. Thus, you should employ a few SEO strategies to feed your website with fresh content, on a daily basis if necessary. One great way of doing this is maintaining a blog or a news section on your website, or by subscribing to automatic newsfeeds.

As a guideline for choosing keywords, try to focus on more specific keywords in your niche. Choose keywords with less competition. This will tremendously help your website get found in search results. For example, say you’re selling shoes. “Shoes” is a general keyword that you’d have a really hard time popping up in search results for. Choose relevant keywords with less competition such as running shoes for men, women’s tennis shoes, dress shoes for prom night, Pinterest sandals for the beach, kitchen clogs, children’s hiking boots, 2 inch pumps, petite high heels, etc. One thing you must be aware of is using name brands like Nike or Reebok. You could use them for organic search results, but for paid ad campaigns such as Google AdWords certain name brands are not allowed.

SEO news This is one of the most common SEO mistakes made by most people new to online marketing. They made the mistake of over stuffing their websites with keywords thinking that the more they have on their website and meta tags, the higher they will rank in the search engines. Keyword stuffing occurs if you have more than 30% of your keywords on your website. However, nothing is further from the truth. If you over stuff your website with too many keywords, search engines will treat your website as a spam site. In the worst case, your website may even be banned from the search engines entirely.

Between writing a good blog post and writing a good article with S.E.O,, the new blogger ought to choose to focus on coming up with enough quality content to make a good blog post.

Most bloggers think that quality matters for higher ranking in search engine, due to this wrong thought they’re not focusing on quality content. Due to low quality content, their blog’s readers get irritated/upset.

The fifth SEO tip is to use your keywords sparingly. Most people still think that 1% – 3% keyword density is ideal, yet it is actually too much. There is an optimum keyword density that has little to do with the keyword itself, but more to do with contextual relevance of the page content to the topic in hand. Which leads to the sixth of the SEO tips: write naturally and honestly. If you know about your subject, write about it in your own language and don’t try to meet any perceived need for a specific number of so-called keywords within your page content.
