
Post Marketing – How To Choose A Rewarding Niche

Keep content with an adequate number of target keywords in the right positions, just like you would with regular content marketing. Include these target keywords also on your titles.

SEO news Remember that Search Engine Optimization is an Investment, not an Expense. Unlike paid ads, the efforts you put in to truly optimize your site today will continue to pay off well into the future.

Honestly, the first client I found kind of fell into my lap through one of my blogs. I offered to do some web design and advertising for them on the blog, and they asked me if I knew how to get them higher in the Google rankings. To which I replied “Um… yea, I kinda do.” Web design + SEO and Internet Marketing = a very powerful money making combo. After that it spread by word of mouth, Pinterest and a few inquiring emails.

Did You Also Know? – 60% of traffic that comes to the websites is from searches-From people typing in what they are looking for in Google, Yahoo & MSN/Bing. Now, if your website is not on the first page of the search engine results, then unfortunately you are nowhere. So knowing that, I am sure you would like to know how to achieve first page search results…and it begins with proper SEO strategies.

Use keyword phrases instead of single keywords. If you want to appear in local searches, the best way is to make your keywords more specific. It is wise to add your exact location to your keyword.

There would be no online business owner that would not want to have more and more traffic to his/her website. This has lead to the SEO tips becoming extremely popular. Using the various SEO tips you can actually bring your website to top rankings in many of the popular search engine listings. When your websites is listed in top of the search engine rankings you get hits on your websites which results in sales and sales then results in profits.

Do not overlook the search engine guidelines. It is amazing how many people ignore the guidelines put out there, for free, by the folks at the major search engines. These guides tell you what to do or not do for your page to be ranked by their engine. Don’t ignore this free advice!
